Questions, not answers!What did Buddha want? Which enlightenment did he set off to seek?Jan 27, 2022Jan 27, 2022
Silence SpeaksWith a world population of over 7.6 billion, and an overwhelming consumer size of 3.2 billion, telecommunication falls under the the top 5…Dec 1, 2018Dec 1, 2018
Taking ControlPerfect equilibrium, or what the Christians call the peace that passeth all understanding, cannot be had in this universe, nor in heaven…Nov 25, 2018Nov 25, 2018
The Dual Nature of LifeThe great philosophers of all times have always contemplated about life. Some believed that everything in life is predefined; everything…Nov 6, 2018Nov 6, 2018
The joy of experiencing everythingHow many of us feel we are not in our control of our life? I used to think the same. But before even going there, what is life? Um……Nov 2, 2018Nov 2, 2018